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GEN 2 Silent Captured Spring for AR-15-type rifles

H3 Buffer Version

Includes spacer to allow for installation in both carbine- and rifle-length buffer tubes.

Weight: 7.7 oz.

Recommended Use & Compatibility

The use case for an H3 SCS is virtually the same as the H2. In almost all cases, the two can be used interchangeably, and the choice between the two comes down to a preference in weight and cycling feel. The H2 is will produce a faster, snappier cycle compared to the H3, which will have a slower, heavier cycle. Only in extreme cases such as a severely over-gassed rifle without an adjustable gas block would the H3 be a functional recommendation over the H2.

Similar to the H2, this H3 model will function well in:

  1. Short-barreled rifles (SBRs)
  2. Suppressed weapons
  3. Rifles recommended to use an H3 buffer
  4. Select-fire rifles
  5. Piston-operated rifles

See our FAQ section if you have more compatibility questions.

Recommended Parts

SCS Buffer Retainer Pin

Because the insertion and removal of the Silent Captured Spring is very difficult with a standard buffer retainer pin, we recommend removing it when installing your SCS. This leaves the SCS "free-floating" in the buffer tube. While this isn't a problem when the receivers are closed, some shooters find it objectionable. In this case, we have a custom Silent Captured Spring Buffer Retainer Pin and Spring available to retain the SCS without the snagging caused by the Mil-spec design.

Read more about this part here.

Alternate Spring Pack - 20% Off With Purchase

The Alternate Spring Rate Kit for the JP Silent Captured Spring allows custom tuning of the device to a given rifle. While the default spring installed in the JPSCS is selected to offer the best performance for the widest range of configurations, a simple disassembly and reassembly of the JPSCS with a slightly different spring rate can yield truly optimized performance, particularly for rifles without an adjustable gas block.

Read more about this part here.


Patents: 8,800,424

Add SCS Buffer Retainer Pin:

Spring Pack - 20% Off:

Price: $233.95
